Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 8.00 am - 02.00 pm


0761-2342323, 2342424

Rules and Regulations

  • Uniform: It is compulsory for the students to come in proper and neat uniform everyday. Those who do not come in proper uniform will be sent back home.
  • Neglection of home work, irregularity in attendance, irregularity in payment and misbehaviour in school will justify dismissal.
  • Students who come late or absent themselves must bring written explanation from the parents in diary.
  • Students must obey the class leaders appointed in the absence of teachers to maintain discipline and good order
  • Damage done to the school property must be made good by the students who were responsible. Parent's must check the diary regularly and note teacher's remarks etc.
  • Annual Examination for promotion to next class is held in March as per (B.S.E. guidelines).
  • Students who fail twice in the same class will not be, permitted to continue their studies in the school.
  • No concession in fee is recommended. Examination fee will be taken before exams.
  • Tuition fee must be paid up to the last day of the running month or else fine 10/- would be imposed essentially.
  • Fee/Exam fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • The complaints regarding the school management and students conduct shall be discussed only with the Principal.
  • Guardians are requested to inspect school diary and progress report of the students regularly.
  • The Distt. Court of Jabalpur shall be the tribunal of any dispute regarding the institution.
  • Boys should have their hair trimmed, elder boys should be clean shaven No "mushroom cut hair style is allowed.
  • Girls should have their hair well groomed (Girl with long hair should have it plaited neatly). Jewellery should be avoided. Only simple earing are allowed.
  • Nails should be properly trimmed. Use of nail polish is forbidden.
  • Student absence should be informed in, advance through a leave note. Students coming without leave note will not be allowed to attend classes.
The following rules of school discipline shall be strictly observed.